Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Googling images

Someone suggested putting your name into Google images and seeing what comes up.

So I did.

Some of it was predictable.
Like my book covers.

The image “http://www.tangled-web.co.uk/crimedigests/jpgs3/nirvanabitesa.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The image “http://itsacrime.typepad.com/its_a_crime_or_a_mystery/images/ttcover.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

I also found these:

The image “http://www.crimetime.co.uk/authorsnaps/large/debialper.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “http://images.chatshow.net/celebs/debiAlper/debiAlper_large.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/icsouthlondon/jul2003/1/0/000363C7-1D8D-1F04-B2C180BFB6FA0000.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/icsouthlondon/feb2005/4/0/000D722B-4F4A-1202-934C80C328EC0000.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

But there were a total of 529 results and the others were ... like ... really weird ...

How did this get there?

The image “http://www.collup.com/neverbefore/brunnhilde.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

or this?

The image “http://lemonodor.com/images/troubled-harajuku-teen.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Let alone this?

The image “http://dovegreyreader.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/hawks_head.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


Anonymous said...

Well, most of them are very beautiful ;-)

Anonymous said...

The cow is a peaceful, harmless, and peace-loving creature?

Did you notice that if you 'hover' the mouse over Debi no.2 (top right)you're listed under 'Celebs'? As, of course, you should be.

Minx, you charmer! Beat me to it!

Marie said...

Lovely pics (apart from a couple, and I think you know which ones I mean, Debi).

You're a celeb!

Anonymous said...

Foxy! _ as I said..

S. Kearney said...

Wonderful, Debi, the ones that are you! Googling is becoming such a must nowadays, isn't it?

Unknown said...

I am charming, goes without saying, but to what did I beat you, Fisherperson? I am unusually confused.

Jan said...

No doubt chronicling your infinite variety...

The Wandering Author said...

Debi, I'll have to try to persuade Google to show me the UK results - my guess was that you have a namesake or two. Although some matches are due to extraneous factors. Still, when I tried to check it out, and ran the search from the US, I got only 40 matches, and only one of those was not you, one of your book covers, or a photo with a Debi Alper photo credit. That was simply a button from a web site that allowed you to find similar books to Trading Tatiana.

Saaleha said...

I like the viking woman. It's a look that suits you. But the cow? Now that raises interesting questions ;)

Debi said...

Hi all and, as usual, big thanks.

I don't get the hovering celeb thingy. Maybe status is in the eye of the beholder?

WA - I think that quite a lot are from blogs that are linked to me. Maybe my link appears in the same techy wotsit as the pic?

Saaleha - Hi! Lovely to see you and hope you're thriving. I rather like the Viking woman too - certainly not my culture but a very interesting look.

Anonymous said...

Señorita Minx: you beat me to saying that the pics (and therefore the sitter) are beautiful.
Debi: you simply move the mouse pointer to any pic there (don't click), and text comes up for about four seconds. The cow is actually a hawks head. Obviously.

Debi said...

Dear Fin King friend - I understood the hover - it just doesn't happen for me. But I can live with that.

And it was Maxine not Minx that said the pix were beautiful. Not that Minx would have said otherwise ... I know where she lives!

Unknown said...

Hola Fishbits - no, didn't say them words - she already knows what I thinks about her!

Btw, The Devilish Fishmonger is hurtling through the ether - on its way to mine box of letters. It had better be good!

Debi said...

Fisher? It is, Minx. You'll laugh, you'll cry and occasionally you'll howl ... as you do.

Tim F said...

I think I might be able to explain, sort of. I've used two of those images (the Wagner woman and the Japanese girl) on my blog, several months back. You link to my blog, and I to yours. So somehow we are connected in the befuddled mind of Old Father Google. It's like Six Degrees of Web 2.0.

Dunno about the cow though.

Debi said...

Hi Tim. Yes I think you're right. The cow was on Dove Grey.

It's what I meant when I said this in my bumbling techno turd way:

'I think that quite a lot are from blogs that are linked to me. Maybe my link appears in the same techy wotsit as the pic?'