Friday, December 22, 2006
I'm outta here
As we always vote for spontaneity over planning, I can't say when we'll be back!
Hope you all enjoy the holidays. Stay safe and make the most of the dying embers of 2006.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Outrageous 2
Lehane said:
The simple fact of these cases is that there is a strict legal requirement on Social Services to ENSURE the wellbeing of these minors. In fact all Government agencies have very very strict minors care systems in addition to the legal requirements in place. If you and others believe this is not the case in this instance then this should be highlighted immediately to the Government Minister responsible for Social Services via your local MP.
This and Lehane's previous comment casting doubt on the facts (and I can assure everyone that I would not have posted them if I hadn't been certain they are facts) took me by surprise. My post was about these children's lack of eligibility to free school meals. It never occurred to me that anyone would question the reality of these children's experience.
I acknowledge the practical problems associated with dealing with unaccompanied children. What are the alternatives - bearing in mind the existing pressures on social services and the lack of suitable foster parents or places in children's homes?
Social Services have many 'legal requirements' - but we all know there are gaping holes in delivery through which children fall, often with tragic consequences, as Minx pointed out in her comment:
Social services are hideously under-staffed and there are not the facilities to house people who do not come under 'normal' bounds.
I agree that it should not be happening but also know that there are massive holes in the system that allow such things to pass un-noticed. That is, of course, until there is some dreadful tragedy which brings the whole matter to light.
I find the situation in which these children find themselves desperately sad - but I despair to think there are people who would deny their reality exists. Even the Home Secretary conceded the system is failing when he declared his department 'not fit for purpose'.
Lehane's next point:
However, let's not forget that these children are now going to school, have a roof over their head, are being fed and SHOULD be getting all the support expected for a minor...something they would have not been getting wherever they have fled from. It's easy to condemn the failings in a system, but these failings are actually a massive improvement on what they have come from.
Yes, there can be no doubt that anything would be an improvement on what these children endured before coming here. The very definition of the word 'refugee' is 'one who seeks refuge' - often from unspeakable horror. But this is dangerous thinking. Taken to its logical conclusion, almost any kind of ill treatment or neglect could be justified as a 'massive improvement on what they have come from'.
As for not 'condemning the failings' (failings which previously had been strenuously denied earlier in the comment) how else do you try to change things for the better if not by pointing out injustice whenever and whereever you see it?
And, I can assure you, these children never made it to the UK alone ...
Aaaaaggghhh!!! How do you know this about these particular children? And if you don't mean them in particular, I think it's really important in a debate this important to choose your words with care so there's no possibility of misunderstanding. These children are not in a position to defend themselves or tell us their experiences in their own words!
... in many many cases there are "hidden" adult family members working the system to their own benefit, whilst the bleeding hearts fall over themselves to protest against those actually trying to support these children.. There are agents and facilitators that have brought them here, being paid for by families in the originating country and the extended and hidden families here.
I accept that you see a different side to this issue and don't doubt the situation you depict exists. You say 'many many cases'. How many? What proportion? Even if you say it's 50% (and I would need to see concrete evidence to support such a figure) that would still mean 5 out of every 10 children who are completely isolated having survived unimaginable horrors.
And as Minx says:
However these children came to be in this situation is irrelevent, as is trying to shut ones eyes and think that it can't possibly happen.
Back to Lehane:
It's easy to be outraged when you only see and get one side to a story...whether it be the Daily Mail or the Guardian/Independent headline viewpoint on the conflicting extremes.
But what you're giving out here is the standard Daily Mail line! Everyone's out to get us; they're all spongers wanting to exploit the system for their own ends; whatever we do is more than they'd get back home; the 'bleeding hearts' should just shut up. Oh - and the Guardian and Independent espouse radical extremism!
But I have to say, and I hate having to say it, this post is dangerously misleading in making people think refugee minors are left to fend for themselves and to their own devices in the UK, as the first comment from crimeficreader proves. Nothing could be further from the truth and if it is happening, as you assure here, heads would roll and prosecutions likely to take place. Surely that responsibility lies with you now to ensure action?
I have misled no one! The children in FB's school are one example of some of the appalling treatment meted out to genuine refugees. I know personally of people, adults and children, who have been subjected to levels of inhumanity and injustice in this country that I consider sickening and shameful.
Your final sentence about responsibility is the only one with which I wholeheartedly agree. It is my responsibility and now it's the responsibility of everyone reading this.
I take my responsibilities very seriously indeed - which is why I'm backing the school in their support of these children and making sure I do all I can to publicise - not just their individual case - but also what they represent.
No hard feelings, Lehane! I've said before that I welcome debate. You espouse views I'd never normally be exposed to. It's only by allowing our perceptions to be challenged that we can see if they hold up.
Mine do!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Congratulations! You're a winner!
According to Lev Grossman, technology writer at Time,
'It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.
For seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, Time's Person of the Year for 2006 is you.'
We always knew how powerful we are and the potential this offers. Now it seems we're getting wider acknowledgement.
But we should never forget that with power comes responsibility. So it may be as well to reflect on Time's choice of winner in 1938 - one Adolf Hitler.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Letting the light in ...
Whether you celebrate Chanukah, Xmas, Yule, Eid, Diwali or no specific festival, I wish you all light, peace and happiness and hope that 2007 will be the year when all our dreams come true.
Thank you all for your support, encouragement and upliftment during my year of blogging.
Now get this - these children are NOT entitled to free school meals!
How can this be possible?
Because the application form has to be completed by a parent or guardian and these children have neither!
Is this just a ridiculous feature of an uncaring bureaucracy?
No - it's worse than that. It's a deliberate attempt by this miserable government to fend off criticism about people coming into the country and claiming benefits.
Is this acceptable?
If you have to ask that question, I have no answer you would wish to hear ...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
What a lovely rejection!
Sometimes the reasons for the 'thanks but no thanks' can be irritating in the extreme. (See here.)
But it's not always that simple.
My agent has forwarded a letter from a publisher that has induced paradoxical feelings of upliftment and encouragement coupled with a heartbreaking reality check.
'As a committed South Londoner I particularly enjoyed the early sections of the book - Alper does this part of the world very well indeed. I also enjoyed the wackiness of it all; it was utterly different to anything else I've read recently. The dialogue is really lively and the characters feel utterly real - particularly Sky of course.
However I'm afraid that, commercially speaking, I thought it would be very difficult to relaunch Alper successfully after the two Orion books, and with such a determinedly (and charmingly) off-the-wall novel as this. So I'm afraid I have to pass - really sorry, as I did think this had a spark about it.'
I'm fully aware of the realities of the current state of publishing and have posted about it before (see here) so this only confirmed what I already knew.
In yesterday's Independent, Christina Patterson writes:
'Traditionally, there have been two models for being a writer. The first is one of daily assignations with the muse after a hard day at work. The second is abject poverty. There is a third, of course. In this model, you get garlanded with praise, showered with awards, feted, flattered and filthy rich ... about as common, I'm afraid, as a politician's apology or a lunar eclipse.'
So there we have it. There is no middle way where you make enough from writing to feed, clothe and house your family.
I've tried. I wrote 3.5 books as a manic example of the first model. Then last July (just as the final instalment of my two book advance came in) I took a year's sabbatical. At the end of the year, having finished Me, John and a Bomb, and set up my website and blogs, I decided not to go back to work. (I posted re that decision here.)
I've never regretted it for one moment. I have been able to devote myself wholeheartedly to writing and all the associated activities. I have been writing Depth Charge, have appeared at reading groups (see here and here), attended a book launch in Cardiff, organised a successful literary event, was part of a competition judging panel and, of course, have developed this blog, making many unforeseen wonderful friends along the way and publicising my novels. I've also been able to organise and attend the writers' group midweek 'coffee caucus'.
I've also been available to parent my children in the way I consider ideal. I've gone on every school trip and helped with every homework assignment. I've had no problems fitting in weekly visits to see my dad.
But the figures don't add up. G is a highly qualified swimming teacher and is working hard but his hourly rate is crap. We do a few photography jobs but can't rely on these to put food on the table. My income from writing currently runs into 3 figures - per annum - from public lending and copying rights.
So the harsh reality is that I'm going to have to look for a job. I can't see any way round it. I'll try to find something that fits in around the school hours. It would be good if it was local, so I don't have to spend hours travelling. It would be wonderful if it was related in some way to writing.
I'll try to find the positive in this because that's my way. I'll look at the extra money and be grateful I won't have to think about every penny we spend or be reduced to checking under the settee cushions for lost coins. I'll focus on the good aspects of being out there in Real Life. I'll remember that time is elastic. The more you have, the less you achieve in my experience. Whereas when you're really pressured it's amazing how much you fit in.
But don't ask me to pretend it's my choice or that I feel good about it ...
Friday, December 15, 2006
Prostitutes are in the news ...
Many thanks to crimeficreader for passing on this link to Danuta Kean's blog. Danuta does more than just give a broader context for the Suffolk murders - she backs up her theories with hard facts. She also talks about the image of the 'happy hooker' in literature.
Discomforting but vital reading for anyone who cares about the 'who' and 'why' aspects of women who sell their bodies and how they are seen and portrayed.
And don't forget to put the pressure on the government to sign up to the Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A Long Post about a Short Story
I've posted before about the criteria I used to rank the entries:
- good writing (of course!)
- whether the story fitted the theme
- whether it worked as a short story
- whether it took me somewhere I hadn't been before.
In the end we each came up with a shortlist of 6 and ranked them. That was the point at which the subjective nature of the process kicked in.
Bearing in mind that only the top 3 would win, of those:
- only one entry appeared on all 5 of our lists
- 2 people had this as their 1st choice
- the other 3 ranked it 3rd, 4th and 5th.
- one entry was on 4 lists
- but only one person ranked it 1st
- 2 others ranked it 3rd, but the other person had it 5th
- one entry was on 3 lists
- 2 of which ranked it 2nd
- the other person ranked it 4th
- In the shortlist of 6, 4 of us had 4 of our choices
- But that means we all had choices that never made it to the final 6
- There were some cases in which one of us shortlisted a story that others felt significantly weaker than other non-ranked entries
What this illustrates is that if your story does not appear in the final 6, it's still quite possible that at least one of us had it right near the top of our list!
Anyway, it ain't over yet. We're now each ranking the shortlisted 6 to come up with a final 3.
Thanks to Skint for organising the competition and asking me to be on the panel. I've really enjoyed the experience and have learned a lot along the way.
Thanks to fellow judges - Skint (again), Minx, Clare and Maxine. The collaborative process worked well I thought ...
And very big thanks to everyone who entered. You made me chuckle, whimper, shiver and occasionally brought me close to tears. Good writing at its best!
If anyone would like feedback on their entry, feel free to email me by clicking 'contact me' here. I will of course only be able to give you my personal opinion, which (as must be clear by now) may well be very different from that of the other judges.
Write on!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Another step on the road
Last time I was a long way from home. This time I was on home turf …
The posse arrived early at the Crow and helped to set up the book displays and the drink – with care to give equal prominence to both.
The bit with the speeches
1. Author
2. Work in publishing
3. Blogger
4. Member of a writers’ group
5. Member of a reading group
6. Involved in the sale or distribution of books
7. Ever read a book!
The results were a perfect illustration of what had brought this disparate group of people together on a cold December night; although many people raised their hands several times, the only thing we all shared was a passion for books.
The guest authors
Vicky Blake & I found plenty to smile about
Martin Millar with Skint
Kate Bousfield,
There was a very welcome unexpected addition to the guest list when Zoe Fairbairns arrived. I remember reading Benefits and being blown away by it when it was first published back in 1979. 27 years later, it’s still in print. The book captured the zeitgeist to perfection and propelled Zoe into iconic status. I could easily have been struck dumb at meeting one of my all-time heroines, but wasn’t given the opportunity … Zoe, like all the other guests, was warmth and generosity personified.
Not only did I meet Zoe Fairbairns, but she's holding my book! My cup definitely runneth over .
The bloggers
Once again there was an unexpected newcomer to the list – one that symbolises the power of the blogosphere. Enthusiasm was sitting at home idly blog-surfing. He hopped through some links and came across this post on Britblog and from there arrived here.
‘That’s just down the road,’ he thought. ‘And it’s now!’
The blog stats
Source: Sifry's alerts/Technorati
- There are 57 million blogs worldwide
- 100,000 new blogs are created every day
- The total number of blogs doubles every 230 days
- There are 1.3 million posts each day
The main event
Derec Jones then introduced the catalyst for the whole evening, Kate Bousfield, who wove her inimitable spell over all present by reading the prologue from Coven of One.
The important footnote
Meloney Lemon drew people’s attention to an Amnesty International leaflet publicising 10 December as Human Rights Day. Many of you will know that the issue of people trafficking ranks very high on my political agenda and was the subject of Trading Tatiana. In case you’ve forgotten, the
The conclusion
Glasses were clinked, credit cards were battered, the till pinged, books were signed and all the authors sold copies of their work.
Organising the evening had been a short but steep and intense stretch of road. I can honestly say it was worth every scrap of the energy put in.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to a successful and entertaining evening.
Now for the next step on life’s road …
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The story so far ...
'Gasping for a fag,' she said.
Went to great outdoors and sparked up. 2 limos + police outriders draw up in front of us.
Princess Anne (I kid you not) gets out of limo 1. She forgets to ask Minx for her autograph. Bet she's kicking herself now ...
Back home. Minx plays on my laptop. She manages to wipe off my email a/c and replace it with her own while I'm in the kitchen cooking. Then she repairs that and spends a long time Googletalking with various strange people.
Bed in wee small hours.
In morning (this morning) she had dyslexic First Born jumping up and down doing exercises and shouting. He produced best homework ever!
Then she abducted both my children.
You'll hear more as soon as I know it myself ...
She's back! Having corrupted them with cake ...
Friday, December 08, 2006
Can you believe it? Yet MORE treats ...
Martin's first novel came out in 1987 and since then he's had around 16 books published, the best known being The Good Fairies of New York, which has just been re-issued in the USA . It won't be available in Britain until March next year, although the Crow is able to import the American editions.
On parking for the event: Jon at the Crow tells me this:
See you there!
Please check this out ...
And then give thanks for the likes of him and those who have commented who are not afraid to stand up and be counted in the war against articulate ignorance.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Told you to keep watching!
Sarah May has agreed to attend! Her first novel, The Nudist Colony, was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award. She was awarded a 2001 Writers' Bursary for her 2nd novel, Spanish City. The Internationals, set in and around a Macedonian refugee camp during the 1999 Kosovo crisis, was published in 2003. Her latest novel is The Rise and Fall of the Queen of Suburbia.
The treats just keep getting better!
I'm delighted to announce Mark Crick has confirmed he hopes to attend. Mark is the author of the quirky and very clever Kafka's Soup - 14 recipes written in the style of famous writers as diverse as Irving Welsh, Homer and Jane Austen. Published exactly a year ago, Kafka's Soup is now available in 22 countries and is top of the bestseller list in Croatia!
Which means that at this point the guest authors are as follows:
- Kate Bousfield
- Derec Jones
- Victoria Blake
- Mark Crick
- oh ... and ... er ... me.
On the blogmoot side, we have Minx coming from Cornwall, Skint from Cardiff, Sharon from Crewe and Cailleach from Ireland - which I suppose makes it an International Literary Blogmoot ...
There's another blog event scheduled to take place in London on the same day. Britblog is hosting a blogmeet in Covent Garden from 2.30pm. As our event starts at 6.30, there should be ample time to attend both. A veritable feast of Real Life blogging! (And Minx (the minx!) had invited Rachel Cooke and Jasper Gerard. Maybe we should all wear 'I'm a blogging moron' badges ...)
Crystal Palace is easily accessible from central London. Click here for a map. The mainline station is a few minutes walk from the Crow. There are lots of bus routes and it should also be ok to park at Sainsbury's just up the road.
So tell me, what possible excuse can you find not to be there?
(Many thanks to the following people who have posted the event on their own blogs:
Sharon, Marie, Crimeficreader, Kate, Pundy, Confucious Trevaskis, John Baker, Cailleach, Pundy, Shameless, Susan Abraham, Equiano.
If anyone else has linked and I've missed it, please let me know so I can thank you properly.)
Vital statistics
The richest 2% of people in the world ...
own more than 50% of the wealth.
The poorest 50% of people ...
own 1% of the wealth.
Think about it ...
Sunday, December 03, 2006
We can have some really good fun with this!
This is a quote from Jasper Gerard in today's Observer. Scroll down to 'Leave us some moron-free zones'. (Thanks to Fiction Bitch for the link.)
Wanna know what I think? I think Mr G has cottoned on to the fact that he only has to be nasty to bloggers and suddenly his name will be on everyone's lips ...
You don't believe me? Put your hand up if you'd heard of John Sutherland or Rachel Cooke before they bludgeoned their way into history ...
If Jasper Gerard happens to see this post, I hope he'll accept an invitation to come to the blogmoot on Saturday so we can debate his points in person.
More on those literary treats
In case you need reminding, A Coven of One is Minx's magical novel, published by Opening Chapter, Skint's publishing company.
With all the storms raging in the blogosphere of late, the blogmoot will be a timely opportunity for us to discuss the issues face-to-face.
And the Crow on the Hill is the ideal venue for an evening for anyone who's passionate about books. (The Crow blogs here.)
I've sent emails to well over 100 people, sent local and national press releases and alerted writers' groups and reading groups. I've contacted local authors and their agents. I've printed and distributed posters and dozens of leaflets to libraries, cafes and shops.
I'm still waiting to hear from many of the local authors, but I'm delighted to confirm that Victoria Blake has said she'll be there. Victoria is one of Orion's New Blood authors. Her 3rd book, Skin and Blister, has just been published.
I'll let you know about any other guest appearances as soon as I hear.
Oh - and of course, you'll be there. You will, won't you ...?
(Many thanks to Sharon, Marie, Crimeficreader, Kate, Pundy, Confucious Trevaskis, John Baker and Cailleach for posting the event on their own blogs. If anyone else has linked and I've missed it, please let me know so I can thank you properly.)
Welcome to my world!
Here are some of the balls I'm currently juggling:
- Big time activity round the Coven/moot event on Saturday. (See next post.)
- Photography jobs are like London buses. You don't see one for ages, then 3 come along together. So that's 3 lots of taking pix, trips to lab, sorting, editing, labelling, invoicing, delivering ...
- I'm on the judging panel for the Skint short story competition. My goodness, but some of you are amazingly talented writers! The overall standard is quite remarkable and includes stories that made me laugh, cry, howl in pain, ponder and fly ...
Now Skint, Minx, Maxine, Clare and I have to try to reach a consensus!
- All the usual parenting stuff: cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing, helping 11 yr old with homework, helping 8 yr old with homework, parents' evenings, cooking for First Born's primary school reunion, ditto for swimming club party ...
- Visiting my dad (who lives on the other side of London - approx 100 mins away by bus and train)
- Blogging - posting, commenting, surfing ... though not nearly as much as I'd like ... So please forgive me if I've been remiss in following things up.
- Trying to get the flat in a (relatively) decent state for when the celebrity author comes to stay next weekend.
- Writing - oh ... um ... sorry ... please can I have an extension ... I've ... er ... had a headache ... and the cat ate it ... and ...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
History lesson - circa 2050
In the early part of the 21st Century, newspapers (printed with ink on paper) still existed. Although some recycled materials were used, the environmental costs associated with their production and distribution were astronomical.
An even greater threat to their survival were the inherent delays. A morning paper could, by its very nature, not include up-to-date reports of unfolding news. With the internet able to report events as they were taking place, the news in papers was no longer new enough.
Features and reviews, previously penned by professionals accustomed to dictating public taste, were far from immune to the changing face of journalism. Anyone with access to a computer and internet connection (in those days the computer was a large box that needed to be plugged into a phone line with wires) was able to publish information and express opinions and make them available across the globe at the press of a button on a keyboard.
The advent of weblogs, known as blogs, hastened the demise of traditional roles within journalism. Bloggers could publish posts on any subject and others could comment on the issues raised in a form of collectively-owned interactive debate.
Many in the industry embraced the inevitable changes and adapted. Others, terrified by the unregulated (and interactive) nature of the World Wide Web prophesied falling standards and anarchy. (See here and here.)
It was no surprise that many of those who had previously enjoyed a heightened status as the sole repository of access to information and opinion felt threatened. Some worked hard to undermine the importance of blogging, provoking much debate. (See here and here . For some of the responses, see here and here and here and here. ) At this time people still believed that if someone was paid to do something like write a review, this exchange of money was in itself a guarantee of quality. The amateurs of the blogosphere argued that, as they were not accountable to bosses or advertisers, their contributions were more likely to be honest.
Within the blogosphere as well, sparks flew as the bloggers strove to identify the parameters within which they operated. This led to some unpleasant spats. One blogger, for example, when debating the independance and integrity of online reviewers, was denounced as a nitwit and a slattern!
The power of the blogosphere was such, however, that newspapers soon became extinct, with the majority of people preferring to have a diversity of sources for their information. Although there were inevitably many blogs of limited interest or dubious content, people felt able to make informed choices as to whom they trusted.
New communities of like-minded individuals sprang up, whose members were able to reach out and speak directly with one another for the first time. They dealt with rogue elements (see the comments here) in a show of collective strength and created a world where ordinary people were empowered to combat injustice and bring about radical change, heralding the advent of the brave new world in which we live today.
Friday, November 24, 2006
The full Monty
Not to be out done, I'm putting it here too.
Could you do me a really big favour? If you'd like to support this event (even if you can't be there in person) could you post about it on your own blog? For the evening to have the best possible chance of fulfilling its huge potential, we need a really good blogger turnout.
AN EVENING OF LITERARY TREATS! · The A magical book – both in content and in the story of how it came to be published. · 2nd National Literary Blogmoot. An opportunity to meet influential literary bloggers – writers, readers, reviewers, commentators and booksellers. · Guest appearances. · A chance to stock up on gifts at the best independent bookshop in town! BOOKSELLER CROW ON THE HILL SE19 3AF |
Thursday, November 23, 2006
A bit more detail ...
Well, she'll be there. And so will he. And hopefully all of you (see blogroll)!
And where is 'there'? Why, here of course.
Watch this space for further details.
Meanwhile delete anything else lurking in your diary for the evening of Saturday 9th December. Believe me, it couldn't be better than what we have in store ...
You are SO not going to want to miss this!
Clear your diaries NOW for the evening of Saturday 9th December for Something Very Exciting!
I'm not going to say more for now ... except you're going to love it!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Round up of the buzz
Following the continuing rage over the remarks made by John Sutherland, Fiction Bitch is posting here and here and providing some balance in the debate.
There's more bloggy navel-gazing on the issue of whether anyone reviewing a book they were sent as a freebie should publicise the fact and whether it compromises the independance of the review. Check out Kimbofo at Reading Matters, Fiction Bitch (again) and Susan Hill for some different angles on this.
For an example of what can happen if you interpret 'independance' in way that earns the disapproval of the literary citrus fruits, check out the email received recently by Susan Hill.
Dear Susan Hill
After reading your Blog about Book Review pages, I would like you to know that no book either published or written by you will in future be reviewed on our Literary Pages.
In the light of your expressed views, I am sure you will neither be surprised or distressed.
Yours etc.
Dove Grey Reader gives her reaction here.And DCSC is back with some thought-provoking posts. Glad she's decided not to let sleeping blogs lie.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Debi's guide to the major dos and don'ts of blogging.
If you're new to blogdom, pay close attention. I'm going to impart these pearls to you because no one did it for me when I was just starting out. If only I had known then what I know now ...
This is it then. The Debi guide to the times when it is essential that you turn to your blog. And those times when you absolutely, indubitably, 100%edly, shouldn't be allowed within 50 miles of an internet connection.
- When you're so angry you're screaming into your pillow with no one to hear you rant except the dust mites. And they gave up listening ages ago. In fact they've all got these teensy microscopic headphones and are boogying to the rhythm of your head banging on the pillow. Except the really poor ones who can't afford headphones and who just stick their little dust mite fingers in their little dust mite ears and sing, 'Lah lah lah lah! We can't hear you!'
- When you're so happy you want to share the cause of your delight and spread the good vibes as far as you can virtually fling them.
- When you have some really useful advice. (This post being a case in point.)
- When you need some really useful advice. (Some may say this post is also a case in point.)
- When you want to share a joke/pain/opinion/debate/stream of consciousness with a wider audience than the wooden duck you bought in Marazion but didn't want or even like but someone broke its beak and damages have to be paid for even when it's a helluva lotta money for a bloody wooden duck even if it's quite a nice piece of wood but it's got a malevolent glint in its eye ...
- When you've popped onto the laptop to check something for your 11 year old's homework and supper's on the stove. Fight that little voice whispering in your ear, 'Go on. Just a quick peek ...' Before you know it, the overcooked food was eaten aeons ago - along with everything else in your fridge, freezer and cupboards. And you've had your benefit cut because your First Born is over 18 - even though he's still in Year 7 because he's yet to hand in his homework.
- When you're so off your face you can't remember how to open the laptop and find yourself staggering off in search of a hammer and chisel.
- During a wedding - especially if it's yours - or you're the minister/registrar/photographer/best man/bridesmaid.
- During a funeral. Unless it's yours. Otherwise the next one will be.
- When you're driving/bathing/operating heavy machinery/operating on a patient/being shot at.
So I'm sending an appeal to all you seasoned bloggers out there. Let's create the ultimate list. Our gift to the world and to virgin bloggers everywhere.
Friday, November 17, 2006
How very very dare he?
'There are those who see web-reviewing, whether independent bloggery or commercially hosted, as a ‘power to the reader’ trend – the democratization of something traditionally associated monopolized by literary mandarins. And there are those who see it as a degradation of literary taste.'
Degradation of literary taste??? You can imagine the howls of fury zapping round the blogosphere! Check out Susan Hill, Dove Grey Reader and Fiction Bitch for starters. Scott Pack was interviewed on Radio 4 on the subject - apparently he was far more polite than many of us would have been. I'm sure there must be many more people outraged at this pompous snobbery.
Don't worry. If this is the sort of reaction coming from the establishment, it means they're running scared.
The days of the literary citrus fruits are numbered! Bring on the bloggerati!
Some of you are going to hate me!
I felt a little bullied into it by the constant reminders (felt more like doom-laden warnings) and it remains to be seen how it works out. In the end, I felt like I had no choice. Adapt - or suffer the consequences ...
Please let me know if you have any problems. I won't know what to do about them, of course, but at least I'll know!
Oh and Sharon - please don't hate me ...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
This is what we're up against!
If you want the truth about how the big guys sell books - go ahead and click it.
And then give thanks for the indie bookshops and pray they survive!
Definitely NOT a children's book ...
But if I write a glowing review, will you believe it?
Sod it. I don't care. I'm going to write it anyway and hope you take it at face value.
The book I'm on about is The Three Bears by Derec Jones aka Skint. And the reason I'm reviewing it in spite of the above reservations, is that it provided the most unique reading experience I can recall ever having.
The unnamed narrator speaks directly to his reader in the most intimate and personal way, to the extent that, at times, it doesn't feel as though you're reading words on a page, but have made the leap into the author's head, bouncing along neurological pathways, following his seemingly random thoughts.
But they're not random of course. Although the narrative hops about in time and in and out of present tense (even when dealing with the past), this is clearly a journey with a beginning, middle and end. (Except in a clever twist even these boundaries are blurred - the end is also the beginning and vice versa.)
Derec's heady stream of consciousness and the immediacy of his voice, draws us into each decade so that the reader needs to make little effort to see, feel and taste each era. Every word is chosen with care - the man is also an accomplished poet, remember. There's profound humanity lurking in these pages; questions posed that some would prefer remain unasked; challenges to comfortably-held perceptions.
In an ideal world - one where book publishing wasn't driven by commerce and greed and narrow perceptions of genre - The Three Bears would be in every bookshop and translated into every language. It would probably never achieve mass market status, nor could it ever be mainstream, but I'm convinced there would be many people out there who would be inexorably drawn into this unique and compulsive reading experience, as I was.
Luckily, Derec had the vision and drive to ensure we had access to this and his other books. Go here to order them.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A special day
Happy birthday to my lovely dad!
Born 14/11/14 - work it out. Yep that's right - he's 92!
He lives alone in a 2nd floor flat, doing all his own shopping, cooking, cleaning etc. He also still goes twice a week to the local hospital - not as a patient, but as a volunteer in the A&E department!
Do you have any idea how proud I am of him??? He is absolute proof that, given reasonable health (that's crucial of course), age really is just a number.
Here's a pic of him at his brother's 95th birthday party a few months ago (!)
Dad's on the left.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Who are you?
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I saw this and thought of all of you
Someone just emailed me this and it's a natural for me to share with you.
1. Being in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No queues at the supermarket.
5. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
6. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.
7. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
8. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
9. Chocolate milkshake ... (or vanilla ... or strawberry!)
10. A bubble bath.
11. Giggling.
12. A good conversation.
13. Finding a £20 note in your coat from last winter.
14. Running through sprinklers.
15. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
16. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
17. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
18. Waking up and realising you still have a few hours left to sleep.
19. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
20. Having someone play with your hair.
21. Sweet dreams.
22. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
23. Holding hands with someone you care about.
24. Running into an old friend and realising that some things (good or bad) never change.
25. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
26. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
27. Knowing that somebody misses you.
28. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
29. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
And the visual proof ...
Friday, November 10, 2006
Feeling gooood ...
I was a little nervous. I can walk the walk and talk the talk at such events, but it doesn’t come easy to me to be the centre of attention. Luckily I had the wonderful Joan and Meloney Lemon (friends and fellow members of the East Dulwich Writers’ Group) with me as henchwomen.
But I had particular cause for anxiety this time. Readers of Nirvana Bites will know that I haven’t been exactly flattering about Rotherhithe and Bermondsey. ‘Redneck territory’ is how I described the area.
‘So what’s wrong with Rotherhithe?’ Joan asked as we drove – or to be strictly accurate, Joan drove, I navigated, Meloney lolled.
‘It’s weird,’ I replied. ‘There are plenty of black people living here but it’s very much a white working class area where racism is the norm. There are definite no go areas if you’re black.’
We turned a corner onto a back street leading to the library. A group of shaven-headed geezers, complete with obligatory bull terrier straining at the leash, leered at us.
‘See?’ I said.
‘Blimey,’ replied Joan. ‘Yes, I see.’
We drew up outside the library. We were early and decided to wait in the car. I had a sudden rush of paranoia.
‘What if they’ve read Nirvana Bites?’ I stammered. ‘What if they’ve come to GET ME?’
(For those of you who haven’t read my first book, I should point out that the plot revolves round the setting up of an international fascist headquarters in this very area. My unequivocal anti-racist stance is also clear from my website and this blog. Oh – and I’m Jewish too …)
I turned to Joan, seeking reassurance. None was forthcoming. It seemed I’d have to provide it myself.
‘Nah,’ I said. ‘These guys wouldn’t read a book, would they?’
Meloney piped up from the back seat.
‘You’ve got a blog now, m’dear. You’re out there. Anyone can find out about you …’
Twitch. Twitch.
‘It’s all right, Debi,’ Joan murmured in her famously dulcet tones. ‘We’re here. I can just hit them with my handbag.’
I glanced at the diminutive figure with grey hair sitting next to me, glanced back at the blokes on the corner behind us … The odds didn’t look good. And I couldn’t even smoke a fag, thanks to this awful cold …
So it was with some trepidation that half an hour later we made our way into the library. About 20 people sat in a circle of chairs.
‘Are you Debi?’ one guy asked.
He looked good. I liked the look of him. Very camp and my kinda people … He grabbed my hand.
‘Loved your books,’ he gushed. ‘Both of them. Brilliant characters, wonderful writing …’
OK. Maybe I could relax a bit. There’d be at least one person on my side apart from Joan and Melony. I sat down in the circle.
‘We split the room,’ an older man growled from my left. ‘This side is always people who hate the book we’ve read.’
Gulp. The room was split about 50/50.
‘Think I’m in for a hard time,’ I muttered to the divine Ms Lemon.
Well, my dear blogmates, how wrong can you get???
They were ALL just amazing. Nearly all of them had read one or both of my published books. Several had bought their own copies and many complained that not enough were available in the library.
And they knew them. Really knew them. With hindsight I should probably have reread them myself before coming. It was a bit like a comprehension exam at times. They kept correcting me!
‘But Tatiana wasn’t a victim of global trafficking, was she?’ one woman pointed out. ‘She came here with the circus. It was only after she was here that she fell into the hands of the traffickers …’
‘Ooops, yes, you’re quite right. Sorry.’
I managed to slip in a plug for Amnesty's campaign while I was at it though ...
It would be hard to imagine a group of people more generously-spirited. I almost drowned under the outpouring of positive feedback. They knew my characters. Really knew them. Had no problems whatsoever in identifying with them. This was a very diverse group in terms of gender, age, race, nationality etc yet no one said they had any difficulty relating to the people in my books.
Buoyed up by their support and positive affirmation, I read out the rejection letter I’d received that morning. There was a roar of disapproval. These people, like all of us, are lovers of books and were appalled at the reasons stated for turning down Me, John and a Bomb. I lost count of the number of people who said they couldn’t wait to see my next books published.
There may have been some there who didn’t like them, but if so they stayed silent. I hope they would have felt able to voice criticism if they felt it … It would be utterly ridiculous to expect everyone who reads any book to love it.
Oh and some sundry extreme weirdnesses – they told me that a tropical fish shop (just like Koi Korner in Nirvana Bites) opened up in the same street as Koi Korner round about the same time the book was published! And several of them also said they knew Boddington Heights, the fictional tower block in the Old Kent Road that appears in both books.
‘No you don’t,’ I said. ‘I made it up!’
But they were adamant …
The evening was supposed to end at 8.30. At 9.30 Julian, the warm and welcoming organiser, called a reluctant halt.
So there are wonderful experiences to be had in Rotherhithe after all. I have never been so glad to be proved wrong!
Huge thanks to Julian and Margaret who organised the evening.
Huge thanks to the Rotherhithe Library Reading Group for inviting me and for their warmth and generosity.
Huge thanks to Joan and Meloney for their never-ending support.
And huge thanks to Life for giving me this magical and uplifting experience.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Rejection reflection
I had a two book deal for Nirvana Bites and Trading Tatiana. Given the state of the publishing industry, I was unsurprised to learn that the contract was not going to be renewed.
At that point, I found an agent and gave him the manuscript of De Nada Nirvana. (I’d previously been picked up directly by the publisher and had no agent. If I had my time again …) Anyway, he told me that he foresaw an excellent long term future, but warned me that we faced formidable obstacles in the short term.
How right he was! He now has the manuscript of Me, John and a Bomb as well as De Nada Nirvana.
Today I received a copy of a letter sent from one publisher to the agent that he thought I might like to see.
On the plus side, the letter said the following:
• ‘Cleverly and powerfully written’
• ‘… a controversial subject whilst remaining mostly unbiased’
• ‘I like the way the writing style changes to complement the content, for example when Sky and John are on the run the sentence structure changes to short and staccato sentences, reflective of the protagonists’ pain and mental state’ (Gosh – I hadn’t even consciously realised I’d done that!)
But it was, of course, a rejection. I can handle it! I know it’s just a matter of waiting for the right place at the right time. But I was bemused by this particular editor’s reasons for the rejection:
• …’you mention that Alper’s characters come from “a very different world to those we usually meet”. Although I realise this was intended to provide a refreshing change of perspective, to be honest, this was probably the most significant barrier for me – I really had trouble relating to them.'
I hardly know where to start with this … My characters are real people living on the margins of society. Although they are fictional, many people have told me they KNOW them. And they’re not THAT odd. I certainly live in their world … Some are homeless, some live in council flats, and the main characters live in a housing co-op where they have formed their own community. Some have problems with addiction, many are political activists. Many are damaged by abuse of one form or another.
Is this SO strange??? And don’t many books have characters that live in a different world to that of their readers?
And if all books published reflected only the experiences of those working in publishing, wouldn’t that be incredibly narrow?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Short story competition - time's running out ...
No? Why on earth not?
Have you seen the glittering array of prizes?
Think of the prestige ... the kudos ...
Imagine how good winning would look on your cv or on your next submission letter ...
Now, get scribbling! You've got 3 weeks left.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Women for sale ... life is cheap
As soon as I'd signed my two book deal with Orion, I knew I wanted to use the opportunity to draw attention to the horrors of the international trade in women's bodies. The subject was all over the media. I hoped that in my own small way I could contribute to a raised consciousness that would surely result in a tidal wave of public revulsion. If people really knew, I reasoned, their demands for an end to the global trafficking of women and girls would be unstoppable.
Here's an excerpt from Trading Tatiana:
Facts were delivered with no dramatic embellishment. They needed none in order to invoke horror and disgust. Statistics leaped from the paper and bludgeoned me with the stark reality of human misery they represented.
• Fifty two billion dollars – the annual value of the global prostitution industry.
• Five hundred thousand – the number of women smuggled into Western Europe by the sex trade.
• Ten thousand – police estimates of the number of illegal immigrants working as prostitutes in Britain.
• Seventy – the number of walk-up flats in Soho worked by prostitutes of whom ninety per cent are from eastern Europe.
• Twenty-four hours – the time within which women picked up by Immigration are flown home, having been seen as illegal immigrants rather than victims who could potentially give evidence against the criminal networks that brought them here in the first place. The traffickers often meet the women at the airport and bring them straight back to Britain.
• Two years – the Court of Appeal’s recommended sentence for pimping.
My tea grew cold and my toast lay uneaten as I read through case studies of girls – teenagers most of them, but some as young as ten – tortured and exploited, isolated and terrified. Like the sixteen-year-old whose pimp had taken out her front teeth, so she could give better oral sex. I learned about ‘seasoning’ – a pimping term for raping and beating a girl until all resistance has been knocked out of her.
I was beginning to understand Mags’s concern. The men controlling this human trade were not part of an organised Mafia. They were more dangerous than that. They operated in small groups held together by blood or tribe. Their own backgrounds were often ones of abject poverty. They had little to lose and untold riches to gain.
So here we are, nearly 5 years after I wrote those words. Have the hoped-for changes come about? Has the situation I depicted been consigned to the dustbin of history?
Here's an excerpt from an Amnesty International leaflet I received last week:
... Victims of trafficking have little real protection. Most women - even if they manage to escape their captors - are frightened of going to the authorities. When they do, they are all too often treated not as victims but as criminals. That can mean deportation to a homeland where they may be shunned by their own family or - worse still - fall back into the hands of the traffickers.
What is urgently needed are new international laws and guidelines ... Amnesty International, together with other organisations, has been campaigning for the introduction of a Europe wide convention against trafficking ... The Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings has finally been drawn up.
However, before it can come into force it must be ratified by 10 states.
So far the UK has refused to sign.
If, like me, you feel sickened and ashamed to live in a society that allows this suffering and exploitation to continue unchecked, go here to contact Vernon Coaker, the Home Office minister responsible for preventing human trafficking (!)
Either compose your own email or copy and paste the following:
I am calling upon the UK government to sign the European Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings as a matter of extreme urgency.
The Home Office's own sources suggest that at least 1400 women are trafficked into the UK and sold into the sex trade every year. This sale of women and girls is utterly unacceptable. People who are trafficked are not criminals - they are victims of a most horrific human rights abuse and deserve our protection.
Unless enougn people demand change, it won't happen.
And thousands more Tatianas will have their lives stolen from them ...