The answer is 2-4,000 -
- if you're a man.
If you're a woman the answer is 6-8,000.
Now why do you think there's such a discrepancy?
I have my own theories, but I'd be interested to hear what other people think those extra words are ...

(I don't know how reliable these figures are. My source is a throwaway line on Have I Got News for You.)
According to HIGNFY, women say more words because they constantly have to repeat themselves, such as: Can you take the rubbish out? Have you taken the rubbish out yet? The rubbish is still here! Bloody hell you don't do anything around here! etc.
Dunno, babe.
"and" first foremost; "he" and "him" thereafter.
We females like to be personal, they don't! Men, that is!
I bet Paul Merton can work out the EXACT number of words spoken by everyone he knows on an average Saturday, for example..
He is one of the most logical people on TV...
Love Hellojed's comment.
The last line of hellojed's quote was when the bloke finally responded with 'Stop nagging!'
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