Further details re the Pipe & Slippers festival on Sunday are now up on the site.
What a line up!
Hang on ... who's that down there referred to as a local hero ...?
Blimey - 'tis I ...
All we need now is some sunshine.
Hope to see you there. xxx
Author of contemporary urban thrillers, freelance editor, mentor and creative writing tutor.
Local Heroes!
Now, that is way cool.
And a ukelele band.
I am packing enough clothes for a week, is that all right?
You're a hero in many ways, Debi. An inspirational hero, not least.
Leslie - now what super power should I have?
Minx - no. Not all right. A week's not nearly enough.
Sharon - a case of the pot calling the kettle inspirational?
Super Power...the ability to make writing and art well paid career choices.
ooo,ooo...and to make chocolate non-fattening just by saying so.
Hero Debi - Superman outfit or Catwoman? Oh what to wear!
Leslie - or maybe just the superpower to create miracles?
Ab Van - tricky, isn't it? I'm leaning towards Catwoman but only cos all that PVC must be waterproof - tho if Leslie's miracle powers come off, the sun just might shine ...
Would love to come, but have too many plates spinning at the moment. Instead, I send my warmest good luck vibes, knowing that you will read beautifully and be received very well!
And behave - both you and Minx ;)
Thanks, Babs - tho I do think that 'behave' bit marks you as a bit of a spoilsport!
How about a SuperHero Mermaid outfit? (to complement the fish theme)
And the ability to perform miracles just about covers it, huh?
Have some gooood fun at the P&S.
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