Here goes ...
I was tidying the front room earlier and picked up one of First Born's grimy t-shirts ...
... and underneath there was a tarot card!
The Empress.
Now I do possess an ancient pack of tarot cards, though at this point I don't even know where it is in the flat.
And I have NO IDEA how this particular card got there.
Something similar has happened before when I came across a different (I think) card on the children's bookshelf - again with no idea how it got there.
I know very little about the tarot apart from it having resonances within Kabbalah.
(That's Real Kabbalah - as in Jewish mysticism - not the Hollywood version espoused by the likes of Madonna.)
I Googled The Empress and see words like 'maternal' and 'creative'.
But can anyone help me out here?
What's the significance (assuming there must be some) ...
... of the card itself, as well as the way it suddenly appeared?
Ask Joan!
Are you there ... Hello Joan.
Yes I'm here Meloney. The Empress is a great card. It means "Earth Goddess", creativity, fertility, caring, being 'pregnant' with some new idea or project, or maybe just being an excellent mother. Stuff like that. I sent Debi a long e mail about it. Great card to find.
Ooooh - I'm excited now ...
It means you are pregnant and it wasn't me...*gnash*!
Sometimes our signposts get fed up with waiting for us to notice them and they come and find us.
As Joan says, she represents Mother Earth, the Goddess and it may be time to examine exactly what you are pregnant with!!
Mutley - yes it was. I'm informing the Child Support Agency as we speak.
Minx - yes, I love it when life delivers a kick up the arse and shrieks, 'NOW will you listen?'
Could it mean the mum (empress) is needed in that room, and the children won't ask? :-) I've just checked my friend's tarot pack.
Can't add much to Minx's comment other than that similar things happen here on a regular basis (only not with Tarot cards). There's been a recent spate of objects disappearing and reappearing in different places here recently and I'm pretty sure that's because I've been so preoccupied that I haven't been listening to my guide. Just go with it, Debs.
Hey Sharon - remember when you lost your engagement ring and had also misplaced my book? Then ages later you found the ring INSIDE the book ...
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