*waves at Cassandra Clark, Suzette Hill, Lesley Horton, Joan Lock, Linda Regan (accompanied by her husband, Brian Murphy), Leigh Russell, Zoe Sharp and Kate Stacey*
Between us all, I reckon we're going to spawn a whole new sub-genre based on this last weekend ...
Mystery Women are running a short story competition for unpublished writers. 1000 words exactly, entitled Mystery Woman or Mystery Women. £10 per entry. Winning entry will be published in Mystery Women magazine and the author will receive £100 and a conference ticket for CrimeFest 2011. Entries must be submitted under a pseudonym. Closing date 31/01/10. Send submission and entry fee to Ms L Hayes, 2 Darwin Close, Broughton Astley, Leics., LE9 6XD.
Terrific! So, did you sell stuff? xo
PS Is that you in the Spiderman outfit? :-)
Madness!! It looks like a lot of fun.
A few, Sue, but the fictional fodder and the good company were the real pluses. And that's NOT me - I'm not that flat-chested, thank you very much!
Tania - madness, indeed. In a vast yawning warehouse space filled with sci fi and fantasy characters, it was strange to note that we were the ones who felt like aliens.
What a delightfully unusual way to spend a weekend! I'm really glad it was fun, as fun is Very Important.
It is indeed, Queenie. I intend to have some of that F stuff this coming weekend too ... but this time most of the people I mingle with will be dressed as humans.
Looks brilliant. One thing, why are the men holding on so tightly to the daleks...?
It was even weirder than that G-string weekend of which I have so little recollection, Babs!
And they're holding the daleks cos someone's inside being pushed round, having paid for the privilege.
Debi - that is the best run of photos I think I've seen on a blog! It looks like, and sounds like, it was a helluva lot of fun!
Cheers, Nik!
Fun? Well, sort of ... it was ... curiously compulsive ...
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