There I was, steaming ahead with my WIP and assuming I was nearing the end, when I saw something that didn't feel right and realised I've duplicated several chapters. I think it's fine cos I also realise I need to insert stuff earlier but it's still mega irritating.
At times like this, the lure of pharmaceuticals is hard to resist ...
Hahahahaha!! And much sympathy - that's a bit pants, but then you are still near-ish to the end, all is not lost.
'A bit pants' ... is that like a G-string?
Don't get her started on G-strings - I remember a very vivid conversation about them outside a certain pub in Brixton ... or was it ..!
Pooh seems a very light word for what you're probably thinking right now... If it were me, I'd be chewing the carpet!
Just love it. The image is going straight onto my laptop!
Babs - oh dear, I can remember the occasion but nothing about the conversation. Probably had too many tabs of Fucitol.
And the carpet's all gone. I tore it up and fashioned it into underwear. Great for those cold wintry nights. I call them G-bloomers ...
Sue - glad to be of service!
Blimey! That would have driven me mad. I lost about 1,000 words a few weeks ago when I was ill advised to update my OS and I am still in a slough of despond...
What has happened to Minx by the way?
Mutley - the Minx has migrated to Facebook where I'm still refusing to follow. The minx ...!
Sorry about your slough. My words weren't really lost - just the counting thereof due to duplication, so your experience is much worse.
I have some spare boxers fashioned from lino tiles if that would help ...
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