Pancho Villa leads the Mexican Revolution
2nd February 1914
Charlie Chaplin makes his film debut in the comedy short Making a Living
10th March 1914
Suffragette, Mary Richardson, attacks a painting in the National Gallery with a meat cleaver
20th April 1914
The Colorado National Guard attacks a tent colony of 1,200 striking miners, killing 24 people
25th May 1914
Parliament agrees to Irish Home Rule
28th June 1914
Gavrilo Princip, a Serb nationalist, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Duchess Sophie, in Sarajevo, sparking off the First World War
28th July 1914
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia and its army marches on Belgrade
August 1914
War spreads in Europe
September 1914
Further battles in Europe. Casualties already exceed 500,000
October 1914
33,000 Canadian troops depart for Europe - the largest force to cross the Atlantic
14th November 1914
A son is born in London's East End to Bluma and Isaac Alper, their 4th (and last) child. They name him Morris (Moshe ben Yitzchak in Hebrew)
A son is born in London's East End to Bluma and Isaac Alper, their 4th (and last) child. They name him Morris (Moshe ben Yitzchak in Hebrew)
Happy 95th birthday to my dad!
I would post photos of our celebration lunch, but my cable's gone AWOL, so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with the one I posted this time last year.
All above info found on Wikipedia *blush* here with links.
UPDATE: Missing camera cable has resurfaced in the debris on a certain person's desk.
I name no names, but watch my eyes, dear First Born ...
Anyway - here are the pix.

All above info found on Wikipedia *blush* here with links.
UPDATE: Missing camera cable has resurfaced in the debris on a certain person's desk.
I name no names, but watch my eyes, dear First Born ...
Anyway - here are the pix.

here's wishing your dad a very happy birthday, Debi - what a milestone!
And happy birthday from me too. My mum is 93, and I appreciate her as much as I'm sure you appreciate your dad.
May he stay forever young - as ever.
Emma XXX
Happy birthday to your dad!! Until 120, as they say :)
Happy birthday to your Dad! I remember that photo - can't believe another year has flown by already!
How wonderful! Happy, happy birthday to him!!
Thanks, all. We have visuals! Pix now added to post.
He is so lovely at 95! Wow!
Looks twice as young as me, and three times as good-looking, and has you beside him - why is life so unfair???
He is still as gorgeous as ever!
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