Wednesday, April 23, 2008

DIY has never been easier

See this post from Danuta Kean re self-publishing.
It may be from her archives but it's still relevant.

Take heart - it may be harder than ever to get that elusive deal, but it's also true that there have never been so many other ways of getting your words out there.

Just watch out for pirates ...


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure I am on the verge....

Unknown said...

I think the internet has been responsible for taking away some of the snobbery surrounding self publishing. The joy is that we are no longer confined to either being told what to read or fed a diet of chicklit because that is what sells on the supermarket shelves. Up the revolution!

Debi said...

Mutley - we all know what dogs do on verges ...

Minx - Any comment that includes the words 'joy' and 'revolution' is all right by me!