Summer 2008, eh?
It's been wet.
Very wet.
During our time in Cornwall, we squeezed in a single day shivering on the beach.
But ...
... there were trips to Lands End, the Lizard, Penzance, Falmouth, the aptly-named Eden Project (where I've always wanted to go and it certainly fulfilled expectations).

Then there was a damp forest picnic ...

and a walk to the cliffs ...

... And pasties to be consumed ...

... And a hefty dollop of Cornish culture in the shape of a night spent grooving at a Four Tons of Funk gig.
(This latter was so far removed from my cultural frames of reference it's hard to describe.
Suffice to say we were conspicuous for being among the very few people NOT wearing dayglo Afro wigs, psychedelic stretch nylon mini skirts or flares and massive heels exceeded only by the length of diamante-encrusted false eyelashes.)
Oh, and I had an evening jamming with Minx's samba band while da boyz watched the Oh-Limp-Ix.
But best of all were the late, late, very late nights spent with the Magical Minx, putting the world to rights.
(Unfortunately, the world seems determined to ignore our efforts, but we're not giving up.)
So it's been wet, yes.
But definitely not a wash-out.
And there's still another couple of weeks of holiday left.
The forecast is ... wet.
But we have plans.
A samba band???
What else doesn't she tell us?
Love the pic of the boyz. Glad you are back.
Marvelous fun!!
There is plenty I don't tell you, Leslie! I also didn't tell Debi that I have a whole wardrobe devoted to the 70's just for '4 tons' gigs. Heh.
See you managed to get a sneaky photo in, Debi.
Oh, so gad you had a good time despite all the lurry-loads of rain we've been sharing!
'4 tons' gigs, now this sounds promising, day glow wigs and false eyelashes? I hope there were pictures.
Samba - I loves Samba. I used to live in a town that had its very own samba festival every year!
OMG! How am I going to cope with English "summers"!?!?
Sounds like you had a blast and shame the world's not listening to your putting in order discussions. I'm sure the two of you would do an infinitely better job than the lot currently in charge. Yeah go DebiMinx for President!
Leslie - many things ... so many things ...
Mutley - yes indeedy.
Minx - you'll notice I didn't include the photo of me looking pissed and demented (when I hadn't had a drink).
Babs - no pix of the funksters unfortunately and none I could find on Google.
Ab Van - world domination a la Minx and Debi? Can you imagine???
I imagine world domination by you two would be very interesting and worthwhile. Go for it, that's what I say!
Love the photo of the smuttons :)
I have a copy of the pissed and demented one - heh heh.
Prime Minister Minx and President Alper? I like it.
No! No! I've never wanted to be a leader. But then I've often said that anyone who DOES want power is the last person who should be given it.
So on that basis ... oh shit. OK - but my first action will be to get rid of the offices of Presi-don't Prize Minifister.
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