This is what happens when you give your 12 year old son a pair of scissors and ask him to trim 'just an inch' off your hair.
It's an ... er ... extremely interesting asymmetrical bob.
The fact that it would have looked better if I'd chewed through it using my own teeth is neither here nor there.
The fact that it's gone from almost waist length to just above my jaw (on one side anyway) shouldn't be taken into account.
It's only hair, isn't it?
It'll grow again - given 3 or 4 years.
I mean it's not like he chopped off my leg or something, is it ...
Remind me never to ask him to trim my toenails ...
And you blogged this? I would be in a strait jacket by now.
And the perpetrator? Don't even go there....
Blogging has saved his life by enabling me to laugh about it.
You know the bit at the end of Life of Brian where they're all crucified and singing 'Always look on the bright side of life'? That's me ...
I now have to work hard not to become Evil Guilt-tripping Mummy ...
You should have asked me. Haircutting is one of my jobs and I enjoy it. It's like sculpture. Want it evened up? I bet it suits you shorter anyway.
I am sure you look very demure and fetching, my dear... Now, have you remembered to fish out your twin set and pearls to go with your new bob?
Mel - thanks but it's been tidied up by another friend who's a pro and I quite like it now. It's not shortER though - it's ... er ... SHORT.
Ab Van - demure? Moi? It would take more than a haircut!
OHMYGOD! I am speechless... I need some of what you are drinking, you sound so calm and accepting. I am a nervous quivering wreck just allowing them to sign birthday cards (hick).
Go on, admit it, you really were after a short bob and your little one picked up on those thoughts! :-) Good that you weren't angry and laughed. But, yes, cut your own toenails! lol
Ha! I've earned myself some mega kudos points by being so cool about it. Every cloud ...
Which just goes to show,give someone a inch,and in this case your son,and they will take a mile...
HC - clever comment! Great to hear from you - I'd been wondering if you're ok and what's happening in your life ...
hi debi,life in limbo,but safe..
more to follow,but im having a bad hair day myself.x homelesschicken
I need a haircut. What does he charge?
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Oh no! And what are you going to do with that perfect mass of hair lying there abandoned? Can you make a wig of it for me?
Natalie (Blaugustine)
Hair today, gone tomorrow?
Ahem. Sorry. But one punning comment deserves another (and yours did make me laugh).
Looking on the bright side, and speaking as one who has had every style from clippered crop to flowing locks, short hair is very much easier to look after.
Actually I'd like to find someone who would make the same mistake. Long hair in summer is a pain :p
HC - 'Safe' is good. Puts hair chop into perspective.
Peter - maybe I should hire him out? He'd never fit up a chimney, so it could be a way of bringing some money into the household.
Natalie - alas, 'tis landfill by now.
Zinnia - glad you liked my pun on your post. Classy humour always ...
Saaleha - I'm putting him on a plane right now. Send him back with chocolate cake if he does a good job.
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