It's happened before and I just deleted them but this time I was only able to delete a couple and got an error message re the others.
I followed the link to Blogger Discussion Groups and it seems this is quite a widespread problem (which hopefully they are dealing with).

So - don't follow the link in the comments - it only encourages these winkers (wink wink, nudge nudge).
And if you 're a techy and know how I can delete the comments, please share!
Non deletable? Crikes, what next? I've been seeing these things cropping up on a friend's blog for months now - had no idea they weren't the usual spam.
After that Facebook nonsense I'm not clicking ANYTHING I don't recognize.
Irritating, eh? Though not as irritating as our new fridge saga.
2 faulty ones delivered, £££ of food thrown away, G's insulin sweating in the heat ...
Hell, Debi, the fridge too? They should throw in a big screen tv for you for all the aggravation! Reminds me of when I bought a dryer some years ago... I had to return the first two because they were badly dented. The third one they delivered was also dented, but the dent was small and I was tired and fed up so I kept it. And there was no medication or perishable food at stake then.
Sucky service everywhere, eh?
Tired and fed up. That's it, isn't it? You start to lose the will to live if too much of your time and energy is taken up with a bloody household appliance.
Yep, I've had it too - several times! Gnnnnrrrrrrr!
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