Author of contemporary urban thrillers, freelance editor, mentor and creative writing tutor.
It would be very 'green' to hook up the hampster wheel to a little electricty producing dynamo to operate a night light.They do only use those wheels at night, right?pashf
Wonderful idea. Remarkable that no one's thought of this yet. You've just solved the world's environmental crisis. Well done, that woman!
Sometimes it's just the little things that make all the difference :)We'll be seeing hampster lights on the market any day now.sceport is my verification word. Does that have anything to do with fish?
Of course it does. How could you ask? Take 'seaport', cross it with 'sport' as some consider fishing to be (but just don't tell the fish).It's like a game of word association between Dr Seuss and Edward Lear.
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It would be very 'green' to hook up the hampster wheel to a little electricty producing dynamo to operate a night light.
They do only use those wheels at night, right?
Wonderful idea. Remarkable that no one's thought of this yet. You've just solved the world's environmental crisis.
Well done, that woman!
Sometimes it's just the little things that make all the difference :)
We'll be seeing hampster lights on the market any day now.
sceport is my verification word. Does that have anything to do with fish?
Of course it does. How could you ask? Take 'seaport', cross it with 'sport' as some consider fishing to be (but just don't tell the fish).
It's like a game of word association between Dr Seuss and Edward Lear.
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