Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another day ... another rant ...

It's 2008! This conversation should NOT be taking place:

Hello. Is that the official Helpline for assistance with filing your tax return online? On page xxx of the section yyy the figure auto-generated when I complete zzz is ...

Hang on. Hang on. I'm afraid I only have the paper version here. I don't have access to the online version of the return and the pages don't quite correspond ...

Taxing my income?
Taxing my patience more like!


Unknown said...

Oh dear, that time of year - it's a bad time of year, always! Good luck with getting it done!

Liane Spicer said...

Wow, they must have had some training from the bureaucrats in T&T!

Debi said...

Ab Van - I've done it and feel inordinately proud of myself ...

Wordtryst - It was hard to believe. The guy was sweet but all he was doing was reading out the notes and trying to interpret them with me. He kept saying it could be a problem with the software but he couldn't tell of course cos he had no access to the site!

Mariley (La Mouche) said...

Hi Debi,
My thoughts are with you. I too have suffered the torments of having to do your own tax return. Glad you got it out of the way at least for this year!
La Mouche

Debi said...

Mariley? Is that you, sweetheart?

If so, lovely to see you here.
If not, and it's another Mariley who I've only just met in my comments box, you are of course also very welcome.

This was the first time I've done a return myself - and it was only G's, not mine. Thought it would be straightforward. Huh!

Mariley (La Mouche) said...

Hi Deb, yes it's me, Mariley from the Writer's Forum. Big x, see you in two weeks. M