Friday, October 24, 2008

A message to you

Last year, Sarah Salway and Lynne Rees ran daily prompts on the Messages website to publicise the second edition of their joint book of 300 pieces of 300 words, Messages.
(I blogged about it here.)

It was an unexpected internet success with over 100 writers from all over the world taking part regularly, and the launch of the anthology of Your Messages was a great party, with one participant flying over from Texas specially to attend. In addition, nearly £500 was raised for the charity, The Kids Co.

Now, they’re getting ready to do it all over again.

Every day during November they will post a writing prompt of exactly 30 words and you’re invited to respond, via the comments box, with your own original piece of writing which may be either exactly 30 words or 300 words long.

At the end of the month they’ll choose one overall prize-winner (although they say they may well comment on one or two others as well) and the writer of that piece will receive signed copies of their books: Leading the Dance, Learning How to Fall, Something Beginning With and The Oven House.

And how will they make their decision from so much fine writing?

1.There should be some kind of link to the prompt, e.g. theme, image, word or phrase

2.It should be a stand-alone piece of writing.

3.It has to be brilliant!

(The original version of this post appeared on Bookarazzi.)


Sarah Salway said...

Thanks for this mention, Debi. Hope to see a message from you too!

Debi said...

Most welcome, m'dear. As for me joining in, I'll have to ask my WIP for permission. She's very demanding, so I can't be sure she'll allow me the time and focus needed.