So what are you doing next Wednesday?
And is it so important and time-consuming that you won't be able to find a few minutes to take part?
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Ok, I've signed up. Just have to think of something to write now.
I'd've thought for you the problem would be pruning down all the possible things you could say, Sharon ...
I know whatever you choose will be pertinent, constructive and wise!
Registered a while ago and you've just reminded me to put the logo up!
It is such a small thing to do and yet it is such powerful stuff this interwebby malarky.
And I know that whatever you post, Minxlet, will be IMpertinent - but equally wise.
Are you being cheeky, young lady? It sounds to me as if you're saying I talk a lot! ;)
I'm in like sin!
Sharon - I didn't say you talk a lot (tho you do) but that everything you do say is full of wisdom.
Jannie - better than out with gout.
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