You: Go on then. Spill.
Me: Well, it's in South London ...
You: Where???
Me: Oh right. If you're going to be like that then ...
You: Sorry. Please continue.
Me: Hmmm. It's going to be on Sunday 24th February ...
You: Oh goody. I like Sundays.
Me: You're gonna love this Sunday, believe me.
You: You haven't told me anything to believe yet.
Me: OK. OK. Keep your hair on. Cailleach's going to be there ...
You: Ooooh. Now you're talking.
Me: Told you so. And she's going to be reading from Kairos.
You: Oh wow! Why didn't you say so?
Me: I just did. But there's more ...
You: More? My literary cup runneth over.
Me: Quite right too. But wait. Carver's also coming and he's going to be launching his Pomes.
You: The Wordcarver? But he's a Merkan!
Me: Exactly. He'll be crossing the Atlantic to be there.
You: Puts crossing the Thames into perspective, I suppose ...
Me: Glad you see it that way. But that's not all.
You: Can there possibly be anything to add? Please stop torturing me ...
Me: Spoilsport. OK then. There will be other poets, authors, musicians ... It's in a cool venue with a stage whose boards were allegedly trodden in the 60s by The Stones ...
You: *Gasp* Details. I thirst for details.
Me: Pay attention. Haven't you guessed yet? Think back to here ...
You: Oh! The Pipe ...
Me: And the Slippers. You can check them out here. And here's their MySpace page.
You: What could possibly be cooler than this?
Me: Not a thing. See you there.

Whoo Hoo - see you there.
Wow, now that would be fun to go to! :-)
I can't wait :))))
Cailleach and Riverwillow - you will definitely be seeing me there.
Shamey - any chance you might come? How cool would that be???
I'm cool, I'm cool!
Debi, I just saw this on the Minx's blog too and must tell you the same thing:
very very sorry indeed that I'll miss this event for the unfortunate reason that on the very same day I'll be sounding off in North London (much the same talk/presentation I gave at the Apple Centre last year). Was hoping to lure all of you there but now I see that the competition is too strong!
Wish I could join you all! But one day, one day...
Have fun, have a blast - hey, I know you all will - and you won't behave!
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