How wonderful to have people show such appreciation for what you do, Debi! I, however, have known from the start that you know your onions. That's because I read one of your books. It convinced me that I had to get my hands on everything you publish!
It was the quality of your curtseying that really cracked it - and the lovely way you call me Ma'am!
Didn't tell you it was short for marmite, queenie ... tee hee
All these endorsements mean that you're really good at your job, Debi - but I always knew that ;)
How wonderful to have people show such appreciation for what you do, Debi! I, however, have known from the start that you know your onions. That's because I read one of your books. It convinced me that I had to get my hands on everything you publish!
Aw shucks, guys ... thanks.
You're doing good stuff, Debi! And all that killing one's darlings thing - oh yes, have juts been through that bit of infanticide!
Almost impossible to do for yourself. We all need editing, eh? Hope it wasn't too painful, Ab Van.
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