After a two-year break, the Jericho Writers
Festival of Writing was back and it was bigger and better than ever
before. While it was initially overwhelming to be with 400 people in one
place, after only interacting online for so long, the weekend was a huge success.
I'll let the photos tell the story. Apologies for the non-chronological order and the lack of tags.
With Emma Darwin and our wonderful self-edit alumni
L-R: Janette Owen, Audrey Niven, Mandy Berriman, me, Emma Darwin
The first shortlisted author reading at Friday Night Live
With Janette Owen
With Mandy Berriman, author of Home
The final keynote address with Neema Shah, author of Kololo Hill
With Marvellous Michael
With Neema Shah, keynote speaker and author of Kololo Hill, and Anna Burtt, Jericho's events organiser
The view from the stage in the final keynote address
Scrubbed up for the gala dinner
Bonus bunnies
With Mandy Berriman and Paul McVeigh
Disco! |
Gala dinner menu - veg option delicious but not listed |
With Mandy Berriman
Janette Owen and Audrey Niven
The room key at York. Geddit?
View from the stage at Friday Night Live
Friday Night Live finalists
Agent panel at Friday Night Live
Jo Unwin
L-R: Katy Massey, Janette Owen, Audrey Niven, Mandy Berriman
Forward to 2023, hopefully without the need for masks